Friday, May 31, 2019
Sexuality Essay -- Social Issues, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault
Sexuality is defined in m all ways, for the sake of this papers clarity sexuality will be defined as, sexual feelings and interactions that are defining features of romantic intimacy. (Fering 2009) Child sexual abuse (CSA) is defined in the International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences as any sexual action that is inflicted upon or must be tolerated by a child against their own will or any sexual action about which the child cannot work out a decision due to their physical, emotional, mental, and verbal inferiority. Statistics for the prevalence of CSA range from anywhere from 15 to 25 percent of women to 5 to 10 percent of men harmonise to Deegener. (2002) However, these percentages are based on retrospective studies and are founded on reports from victims that disclose their abuse. The book Stolen Tomorrows by Steven Levenkron states, The National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center reports that solitary(prenominal) 16 percent of adolescent and giv ing rapes are brought to light. The reports of childhood, toddler and even infant sexual assault are of course much lower... the consequences that follow the victims of CSA for the ataraxis of their lives are usually so severe that even if only five percent of the population reported abuse it would still be a applicable issue. Childhood sexual abuse affects the development of sexuality, creates problems in developing intimacy and leads to many mood and anxiety disorders that follow victims for the rest of their lives. When a child is squeeze or coerced into sexual relations, not only is their present, their childhood, taken from them but their future is also affected. The effects of CSA are varied and depend on the age at onset of abuse, use of physical force, level ... ...l self-esteem. (Noll 2003 pg. 138) CSA has very adverse impacts on devolving healthy intimate romantic relationships. Some victims of CSA decide to abstain from sexual body process altogether (Noll 2003) o r feel a low sexual drive or feel guilt when aroused (Levenkron 2007) CSA survivors have more difficulties in their adult relationships, reporting insecure attachment, lower levels of sexual and relationship satisfaction, and more marital dissolution. Two cases in Stolen Tomorrows of this are Gina and Olivia. Olivias marriage suffered, and ended in divorce, because of her quantity disinterest in sex. She had no sexual desire at all and lacked the ability to be aroused, which was a result of the sexual abuse her father had stick her through. In order to cope with the abuse she developed a mental novocain that disconnected her from feeling anything down there.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Settlement and Innovations of Ancient Rome Essay -- Geography
The Settlement and Innovations of antiquated capital of Italy capital of Italy is an ancient urban center located on the western coast of Italy by theMeditterranian Sea.(3289) The city of capital of Italy was founded, according to the legend, by Romulus in 753BC. Remus and Romulus were cardinal mythological sons of Mars, the god of war.Through military expansion and colonizations, and by granting citizenshipto conquered tribes, the city joined all of Italy southeast of the Po in the100-year period before 268 BC. First, the Latin and other tribes werejoined, then the Etruscans (a civili zed people north of Rome) and theGreek colonies in the south. With a large troops and several hundredthousand in reserve, Rome defeated Carthage in the 3 Punic Wars, 264-241,218-201, 149-146, (despite the invasion of Italy by Hannibal, 218),therefore gaining territory in Spain and unification America.(1721) New provinces were added in the East as Rome exploited local disputes toconquer Greece and Asia Minor in the 2d century BC and Egypt in the basic(after the defeat and suicide of Antony and Cleop atra, 30 BC). All theMediterranean civilized world up to the disputed Parthian border was now papistical, and remained so for 500 years. slight civilized regions were addedto the Empire Gaul (conquered by Julius Ceaser, 56-49 BC), Britain (43AD) and Dacia , NE of the Danube (117 AD).(1721) The original republican government, with democratic features added inthe fourth and fifth centuries BC, deteriorated under the pressures ofempire and class contravene (Gracchus brothers, social reformers, murdere d133,121 slave revolts 135,73). After a series of civil wars (Marius vs.Sulla 88-82, Caeser vs. Pompey 49-45, triumvirate vs. Caesars assassins44-4... ...s of the city were wide and beautiful with white marble buildings,great amphistylar pourches, and triumphal arches. Anciant Rome had thepopulation of modern Rome. The centers of Roman life were open placeswhere pub lic meetings were held. Such a meeting place was called a forum.One of these was so much more important than the others that it was calledthe Roman forum. The long, compress Roman Forum was also the market place ofthe city. The temple of Jupiter Capitolinus was the oldest and most sacredtemple of Rome. Historians beleive that Rome once had as many as threesome hundred temples.The best known of these was the Pantheon, which was the temple to all thegods. The Pantheon became the Christian Church of Santa Maria Rotonda in608 AD.This visor domed church is today is the most suddenly preservedof all the anciant roman building.(1721) The Settlement and Innovations of Ancient Rome Essay -- GeographyThe Settlement and Innovations of Ancient Rome Rome is an ancient city located on the western coast of Italy by theMeditterranian Sea.(3289) The city of Rome was founded, according to the legend, by Romulus in 753BC. Remus and Romulus were two mythological sons of Mars, the god of war.Through military expansion and colonizations, and by granting citizenshipto conquered tribes, the city joined all of Italy south of the Po in the100-year period before 268 BC. First, the Latin and other tribes werejoined, then the Etruscans (a civili zed people north of Rome) and theGreek colonies in the south. With a large army and several hundredthousand in reserve, Rome defeated Carthage in the 3 Punic Wars, 264-241,218-201, 149-146, (despite the invasion of Italy by Hannibal, 218),therefore gaining territory in Spain and North America.(1721) New provinces were added in the East as Rome exploited local disputes toconquer Greece and Asia Minor in the 2d century BC and Egypt in the first(after the defeat and suicide of Antony and Cleop atra, 30 BC). All theMediterranean civilized world up to the disputed Parthian border was nowRoman, and remained so for 500 years. Less civilized regions were addedto the Empire Gaul (conquered by Julius Ceaser, 56-49 BC), Britai n (43AD) and Dacia , NE of the Danube (117 AD).(1721) The original republican government, with democratic features added inthe fourth and fifth centuries BC, deteriorated under the pressures ofempire and class conflict (Gracchus brothers, social reformers, murdere d133,121 slave revolts 135,73). After a series of civil wars (Marius vs.Sulla 88-82, Caeser vs. Pompey 49-45, triumvirate vs. Caesars assassins44-4... ...s of the city were wide and beautiful with white marble buildings,great columned pourches, and triumphal arches. Anciant Rome had thepopulation of modern Rome. The centers of Roman life were open placeswhere public meetings were held. Such a meeting place was called a forum.One of these was so much more important than the others that it was calledthe Roman forum. The long, narrow Roman Forum was also the market place ofthe city. The temple of Jupiter Capitolinus was the oldest and most sacredtemple of Rome. Historians beleive that Rome once had as many as thre e hundred temples.The best known of these was the Pantheon, which was the temple to all thegods. The Pantheon became the Christian Church of Santa Maria Rotonda in608 AD.This circular domed church is today is the most perfectly preservedof all the anciant roman building.(1721)
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Decision To Fund The Atomic Bomb :: essays research papers
"No man-make phenomenon of such tremendous power had perpetually occurred before. The lighting effects beggareddescription. The whole country was lighted by a searing lightwith the intensity many times greater than that of the middaysun. It was golden, purple, violet, gray, and blue..."( Groueff355). The words of brigadier general General Thomas F. Farrelldescribe the onset of the atomic age, which began on July16, 1945 in Alamogordo, New Mexico. This was the site ofthe first large-scale atomic test, which utilized the tool of ravaging that would soon decimate the populations ofHiroshima and Nagasaki less than a month afterwards. Thistest consummated the years spent developing the bomb, andwas the end result of the efforts of nuclear scientists whoconstructed it, and those of President Franklin DelanoRoosevelt, who made the decision to fund the so-calledManhattan Project.In a letter dated August 2nd, 1939, Albert Einstein firstinformed President Roosevelt of the research th at had beendone by Enrico Fermi and social lion Szilard with unstableUranium which could generate large amounts of power andenergy (Einstein1 PSF Safe Files). Einstein also includedanother possible determination for the uranium- the construction ofextremely powerful bombs, which were capable ofdestroying a seaport and the surrounding territory. Thisinformation may have come precisely at the right time, for inOctober of 1938 Roosevelt asked Congress for a $300million military appropriation, and in November instructedthe Army Air Corps to plan for an annual production oftwenty thousand planes. Later, in 1939, Roosevelt called foractions against "aggressor nations," and in the same yearsubmitted to Congress a $1.3 billion defense budget (Boyer861). In an accompanying memorandum that was sent withthe Einstein letter, scientist Leo Szilard explained thetechnical science of nuclear fission and stressing theimportance of chain reactions (Walls 1 PFS Safe Files).Both documents, th e Einstein letter and the Szilardmemorandum, were to be delivered by Alexander Sachs, an consultant to Roosevelts New Deal since 1933 who wouldknow how to approach Roosevelt and the government(Lanouette 200). It was not until mid-October 1939 thatSachs wangled an invitation to get in to see the Presidentover breakfast (Burns 250). Though Roosevelt nominate thedocuments interesting, he seemed hesitant about committinggovernment funds to such speculative research. But afterSachs reminded him of Napoleons skepticism of RobertFultons idea of a steamship, Roosevelt agreed to proceed.Regarding the steamship issue, Sachs went on to comment,"This is an example of how England was saved by theshortsightedness of an adversary," this insight madeRoosevelt greatly consider the creation of the bomb.President Roosevelt authorized a study, but the decision to
International Adoption Essay -- Adoption Adopting Children Family Essa
The birth of a girl has never been a cause for celebration in China, andstories ofpeasant farmers drowning newborn girls in buckets of water have been normal forcenturies. Now, however, as a direct result of the one- tiddler policy, thenumber of babygirls being abandoned, aborted, or dumped on orphanage steps isunprecedented.Adopting InternationallyAdoption is procedure by which people sanctionedly assume the role of parentsfor aperson who is not their biological child. Adopted children become fullmembers oftheir adopted family and have the same legal status as biological children.Althoughthe majority of people who adopt are married couples, many single people besides adopt.Many people research to adopt when they discover that they cannot demo birth tobiological children. Others adopt children to add new members to a familythatincludes biological children. Many people adopt simply to give a home andfamily tochildren who might not otherwise have them. Likewise, children becomeavail able foradoption for a variety of reasons. Some children are orphans. Somebiologicalparents make arrangements for their children to be adopted because theycannot carefor them due to illness or personal problems. Other children are abandonedby theirbiological parents (Adoption, CD-ROM).Adoption is a common practice throughout the world and throughout history.However, laws regulating adoption vary from commonwealth to country. People straining toadopt in a country other than the one in which they live, a process known asinternational adoption, should familiarize themselves with the laws of thatcountry.Similarly, although every province recognizes adoption, provincial lawsregardingspecific aspects of adoption vary. outside(a) ADOPTIONA significant number of people seek to adopt children from other countries,aprocess known as international adoption. People seek to adopt abroad formany1reasons. Many people want to adopt an infant or a very young child. Somealsohope to adopt children who share their ethnic heritage. Such prospectiveparents mayfind a shortage of suitable children available for adoption in Canada. promotionregarding the availability of infants in a particular country alsoencourages somepeople to seek to adopt there. Many people adopt abroad because ofanxietiesregarding d... all, the letter read.Ourinvestigations confirm that those reports are vicious fabrications made outof ulteriormotives. The contemptible lie about Chinas welfare work in orphanagescannot butarouse the passion of the Chinese people, especially the great number ofsocialworkers who are working hard for childrens welfare.(Adoption, CD-ROM).The day after the program was shown, questions were raised in the House of parking lot about Chinas one-child policy and its dying rooms. Predictably,however, noone has raised the subject of providing massive aid for a collapsed andfamine-riddenChina in the event of its population rise to, say, 2.4 billion if thisgeneration is allowed tohave two children per family.We dont want to criticize the one-child policy, says Dr. Blewett. Butwe wantto focus on the problems it is causing which can be solved. The documentaryfeatures atour of a privately run, locally funded orphanage where the children arehappy, healthy,and loved. We were very keen to show what can be done with the rightattitude, saysBlewett. No child should suffer the kind of neglect we filmed. (Hilditch,World WidePress).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Translating Transgender: A laymans guide to the least-known minority E
Translating Trans sex activity A laymans guide to the least-known minorityWho hasnt been told to just be yourself and commonwealth will like you? It seems like such(prenominal) a simple notion. But what if being yourself could lead to harassment, rejection, isolation, unemployment, homelessness, physical violence, or even death? Not so simple anyto a greater extent, is it? Sadly, this situation is one that confronts transgendered people worldwide on a daily basis. Laurie Johnson*, a tall, robust Fall River resident who underwent male-to-female sex reassignment surgery in 1998, says that she fanny hardly leave her raise without being hassled.The discrimination and harassment are almost constant when Im dressed, she says. Ive heard total strangers comment Is that a man or a woman?. Ive been denied expediency at a bank because they claimed I was wearing a disguise. I tried to attend a barter school where they required students to wear business attire. I was asked to leave the firs t day because I was disrupting the classes simply by being there. Sadly, Johnsons experiences are not uncommon. Many transgendered people, dressed or not, report encountering such discrimination and difficulties in their day-to-day lives, a lot of which can be largely attributed to the fact that, despite the great progress that has been made on the gender front, the general public is still largely uneducated about the transgendered lifestyle. While the gay and lesbian movements have come to the forefront of our national consciousness as a result of the recent gay marriage controversy, the transgender movement has remained somewhat in the shadows. Indeed, the transgender culture is probably the least talked about, most commonly misunderstood minority in... ...owed up and talked to them for a while, then wrote a nice story but her editor squashed it because of the ad revenue they get from that chain. They dont usually bother me anymore, unless they have a new security worker.More tha n anything, when speaking of life as a transsexual, Johnson says she just wishes people would understand that transsexuals are just like everyone else in the world except when it comes to sex and gender. We can be generous or greedy, kind or cruel, loving or bigoted. Statistically, were smarter than the general population and, on average, more law abiding. I would just like to be left alone, she says. Justin Clemente has a slightly different outlook on things. If (as a society) we cant accept each other, how can we accept ourselves? he says. Diversity is honestly the spice of life, and with no spice, life SUCKS
Translating Transgender: A laymans guide to the least-known minority E
Translating Transgender A laymans guide to the least-known minorityWho hasnt been told to just be yourself and people get hold out like you? It seems like such a straightforward notion. But what if being yourself could lead to harassment, rejection, isolation, unemployment, homelessness, physical violence, or even death? Not so simple anymore, is it? Sadly, this situation is one that confronts transgendered people worldwide on a daily basis. Laurie Johnson*, a tall, robust Fall River resident who underwent male-to-female sex reassignment surgery in 1998, says that she behind hardly leave her house without being hassled.The discrimination and harassment be al almost constant when Im dressed, she says. Ive heard total strangers comment Is that a man or a woman?. Ive been denied service at a bank because they claimed I was wearing a disguise. I tried to attend a business civilize where they required students to wear business attire. I was asked to leave the first day because I wa s disrupting the classes simply by being there. Sadly, Johnsons experiences are not uncommon. Many transgendered people, dressed or not, report encountering such discrimination and difficulties in their day-to-day lives, a lot of which can be largely attributed to the fact that, despite the great set ahead that has been made on the gender front, the worldwide public is still largely uneducated about the transgendered lifestyle. While the gay and lesbian movements have come to the header of our national consciousness as a result of the recent gay marriage controversy, the transgender movement has remained somewhat in the shadows. Indeed, the transgender culture is probably the least talked about, most commonly misunderstood minority in... ...owed up and talked to them for a while, then wrote a nice story but her editor squashed it because of the ad revenue they get from that chain. They dont usually bother me anymore, unless they have a new security worker.More than anything, whe n speaking of life as a transsexual, Johnson says she just wishes people would understand that transsexuals are just like everyone else in the world except when it comes to sex and gender. We can be generous or greedy, kind or cruel, loving or bigoted. Statistically, were smarter than the general population and, on average, more law abiding. I would just like to be left alone, she says. Justin Clemente has a slightly different outlook on things. If (as a society) we cant accept each other, how can we accept ourselves? he says. Diversity is honestly the spice of life, and with no spice, life SUCKS
Monday, May 27, 2019
Research Proposal Childhood Obesity Essay
The topic of this research proposal is addressing squirthood obesity in the United States. This epidemic has been going on for many years instanter and has become an issue most recently being addressed by the United States government through their task force, which hopes to end this enigma. By reviewing the many factors twisting which include economic boundaries for the childrens families, early education in nutrition, and progress made in battling this epidemic thus far, we will be able to qualify when it is the best time to introduce good nutritional knowledge and application, as well as physical activity, for children in the United States in hopes of ending this job overall.In order to determine this answer, the researcher will need to research the changes that throw away taken place thus far by reviewing articles that show what true states have been actively promoting healthy eating and physical activity, like in Portland ME who has educational programs for residents. Thi s program also allows for scholarships for these programs for families who cannot afford the classes. The researcher will also have to review articles in the ProQuest database that show what has been studied so far regarding nutrition for young children as well as other sources like the White ingleside website articles related to the task force being led by First Lady Michelle Obama.The researcher will also need to show an overview of the current problem at hand with one in three children in the country qualifying as obese. The researcher will review some of the problems that may be contributing factors like target marketing to children by fast food establishments and limited physical activity by children today,By reviewing all of this information, the researcher should be able to show progress made toward ending this problem and answer when good nutrition and physical activity should be introduced in a childs life.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Grand Theories Essay
Early breast feeding theorists were drawing from a different experience than we do today, more thanover todays nurse would probably not be what it is if it were not for the early Grand theorists. Florence Nightingale, Henderson, Peplau, and King all had strong influences on nursing in their own time and continue to influence nursing and nursing theory today. This paper will discuss that influence. Florence Nightingale, though seen as Grand theorists did not really extradite a theory she really had a broad philosophy.Her basic tenet was healing and the philosophy consisted of healing, leadershipership, and global action (McEwen & Wills, 2007). Everything was focused on the necessitate of the patient. Nightingale felt that the physician was the one to write orders and it was the responsibility of the treat to carry those orders out. She felt that anticipating and meeting the directs of the patient fell in the soil of the support. Though Florence Nightingales work is not well organized in its thought, it has to be remembered that she was in the process of theorizing when women were still handmaidens (Kikuchi, 2008).Virginia Henderson was an educator and author who is known as the commence of nursing because of her influence throughout the world of nursing. She created with some of her colleagues, the basic curriculum of nursing which was centered around patient centered c atomic number 18 which was done with nursing problems and separate from a medical diagnosing (Jasorsky, 2010). Henderson felt that here theories of nursing grew throughout her career as a nurse and evolved from patient care. She sees the patient as a sum of parts such as biopsychosocial needs. She feels the patient is not a consumer or a client.Her major assumption of care is that nurses care for patients until patients tail care for themselves. Her opinion is that patients have a desire to return to health and that nurses are willing to serve and will devote themselves to patients d ay and night. She lists 14 activities which are used for patient assistance. These include breathing normally, eating and drinking, eliminating, moving, sleeping, dressing, maintaining body temperature, avoiding dangers in the environment, communicating, worshiping, working, playing and learning.She felt that the nurse purposeually should assist the patient in those things that lead to recovery or in a peaceful death. Peplau who contributed much to the development of others theories was really rather limited in the scope in which she worked. Though she was celebrated for her work, she was generally a psyche nurse and approached the needs of patients and nursing from that venue (Clark, 1978). Jean Orlando who is one of many built her framework and theory upon the theories of Peplau. These theories are fairly abstract and though they are used to guide some of nursing practice, probably less so than many.Imogene King on the other hand had a very complicated theory in which the assum ptions pertain to individuals, nurse-client interactions and nursing as a whole. In the nurse-client relationship, she believes that the perceptions that each comes to the relationship with, affect that relationship. That relationship is also touched by the influence of goals, needs and values of both the client and the nurse, individuals have the secure to participate in decisions and that both the client and the nurse have the right to affect their lives (Crow, 1992).She believed that nursing was the care of human beings and that meant that the nurse essential, perceive, think, related, sometimes judge, and act on the behalf of the patients. The goal of nursing is to help patients restore health. Primary Elements King believed that the nurse and patient are purposeful interacting systems, and that the interaction between a nurse and a client are influenced by perceptions that have been previously developed. Peplau determined that the need of the patient was determined by the nur se and then the nurse must find a response to the patients need.She also felt that patients respond to nursing when in that respect is a need and it is not al counsellings simple to discern what that need is. Henderson believed that nurses care for patients and they are willing to do that no matter what and that nursing diagnosis was separate from medical diagnosis. Florence Nightingale also felt that the job of the nurse was to care for the patient she however felt that physicians determined what the patient needed and the nurse carried out his order ( Henderson, 2008). In some ways, these theorists all believe the same thing.The patient is the center of the care needed and only the patient can manifest you what is needed. They also believe that nursing care and physician care are separate entities which lead to different diagnosis and different methods of treatment. In relating these theories to labor and preservation and womens services, Kings theory comes to thought first. Sh e believes that patients come to nursing care with preconceived ideas. Where else could this be truer than in labor and auction pitch where the expectation is a healthy baby.Sometimes though Peplaus theories may need to be used because not everyone has a healthy baby and when that happens there are psychosocial issues that must be solved and only the patient can tell you how she feels. Henderson believed that nurses will work day and night to solve a patients issues and more than once in my career I have seen this happen as a nurse stays with a high risk patient for delivery and of course Florence Nightingale who believes that the patient is the center of all which there is no question about in the L& D.In conclusion, the nursing Grand Theories have influenced nursing for quite some time. Each of the theories talked about here have been built upon until todays nursing has emerged. There is still much to do and only now are we learning how to use these theories in such a way as to d efine nursing in a way that will continue to give the profession forward momentum in the desire to care for patients in a quality way and in the desire to be independent and accountable in our own profession. Resources Clark, J. (1982).Development of models and theories on the concept of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 7(2). 129-134. Clark, J. (1988). 30th anniversary commentary on Henderson. The concept of nursing. 3. 113-130. Crow, R. (2982). Frontiers of nursing in the twenty first century development of models and theories on the concept of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing 7(2). Fawcett, J. (2005). Evaluation of theory. Nursing Science Quarterly. 18(2). Henderson, S. , Happell, B. (2008). stir of theory & clinical placement onundergraduate students mental health nursing, knowledge, skills, and attitudes. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 16(5). 116-125. Jasorsky, D. , Morrow, M. , Clementi, P. (2010). Theories in action and how nursing practice changed. N ursing Science Quarterly. 23(1). 29-30. Kikuchi, J. (2008). Cultural theories of nursing responsive to human needs and values. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 37(4). McEwen, M. , & Wills, E. (2007). Theoretical Basis for Nursing. 2nd ed. Lippincott Boston.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Continuos Writing Essay
His name is Johan and I called him Uncle Jo. He is my mothers brother. He is ten years older than me. He is still young and quite successful businessman. He opens his own firm and has many employees. He is single and corset at Kuala Lumpur. I admire him because he is special to me and I likes his in the flesh(predicate)ities. My uncle is a good looking man. His skin is fair and that makes him look handsome. He has straight hair. With a handsome face and muscular arms,he looks strong and brave. He is tall and stylish person.He always wears branded clothes and love Korean fashion. When he smile,I could seem both of his dimple and that make him looks more handsome and confection. His character is very funny and he likes to joke around. He is a very kind hearted. Although he still young,he is not stingy with his money. On Hari Raya,he gives a lot of duit raya to me. He takes a good care of my grandmother. both month,he brings my grandmother to see a medical student and gives money to my grandmother for her daily use. He likes to help anyone and does not expect anything in return.He is a person who can easily get along with anyone and gets all the work done without hurting anyone. He has a strange habit. For example,he will laugh loudly when he is alone in order to allow for his sad experience and stress at work. He likes to go gym to keep his body fit. He also likes outdoor activities such as hiking. Every month,he will go hiking with his friend and takes pictures. His favourite food is something that is spicy such as Korean food. He also like to hear Korean tune and watches Korean drama.Everyday although he is busy with his work,he wiil spend his time on his hobby and search about it on internet. He does not like something that is sweet and sour and to be at dirty place. Uncle jo was a good student. He and my mother came from a big family of seven children. Knowing that his parents could not afford to despatch him to university,he study all his might to o btain a scholarship to take an accounting degree overseas. When he was oversea,he worked part-time and sent money home to back down his younger siblings. After graduating with a degree,he joined a big accountant firm.Today,he runs his own firm. His generousity and kindness are shown when he does account for small firm at low fees. Finally,the reason why I like my uncle is because he has the same interest with me such as we likes to hear the same kinds of music and likes to eat somethine that is spicy. Since I was young,his advice has influenced me a lot in the way I look at life and people. His words of encouragement is responsible for my success in my career and personal life today. That is my Uncle Jo,my hero and my beloved mentor. He always be my role model.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Baroque Art Essay
churrigueresque art falls into the period of Counter-Reformation led by the Catholic church against the Protestants. Much of the Baroque art, especially in Italy, reflects reaction to Mannerism, but also the social turmoil of the time. According to the Council of Trent and the Catholic church artworks should be a clear, intelligible subject realistically interpreted in order to stimulate piety.This was part of the reason that the artwork turned towards naturalism, becoming ablazely engaging and intense. tendency strong perspective effects ramatic color dramatic light and dark (chiaroscuro and tenebrism) movement of figures (especially upwards) broken and agitated draperies loose brushstrokes heavy impasto dense and detailed compositions (for emotional impact on viewer) Wofflins 5 points of the differences between Baroque and Renaissance recessional compositions (not planar) Baroque art has continuous overlapping of figures and elements where the Renaissance and clear delimitate p lanes that recede in depth. Baroque art often has a sweeping diagonal element that crosses many planes. painterly instead of linearThe figures in Baroque art are merged better through chiaroscuro that blends the edges of each form. This creates a mystical union of all the figures/elements. Renaissance art treats each figure in isolation and they appear as discrete objects. Color contrasts, outlines, contours or hard edges contribute to this linearity. open form (not closed form) The figures in Baroque art count projected out into the viewers space (so that the viewer becomes involved in the picture). unity rather than muliplicity Baroque art uses light (and other compositional elements) to create meaning instead of for its purely naturalistic effects or to reveal form.The light sources often are not natural or in that respect are multiple sources. The meaning often emphasizes what will happen in the moment after that depicted. tendency towards unclearness subject matter includes or shows grandiose visions ecstasies and conversions (religious) martydom and cobblers last (religious) ephemeral moments and the passage of time intense light powerful psychological renderings (outward emotions, intense contemplation) OVERALL EXAMPLES (Italian) Caravaggio, Bernini, (Spanish) El Greco, Velazquez, (Low Countries) putz Paul Rubens, Rembrandt ARTISTS and IMAGES Italian BaroqueSpanish Baroque Baroque in the Low Countries French Baroque Italian Baroque Caravaggio The Conversion of St Paul Santa Maria del Popolo, capital of Italy 1601 Caravaggio The Crucifixion of shrine Peter companion piece of The Conversion of Saint Paul Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome 1601 Caravaggio Calling of Saint MattewSan Luigi dei Francesi, Rome 1600 Caravaggio Death of the Virgin Louvre, Paris 1606 Artemisia Gentileschi Judith and Maidservant plant of the Arts, Detroit 1625 Francesco Borromini San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Rome 1665-1676 Gianlorenzo Bernini David Galleria Borghese, Rome 1623 Gi anlorenzo BerniniThe Ecstasy of Saint Theresa Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome 1645-1652 Gianlorenzo Bernini Piazza and Colonnade Sculpture and architecture at saint Peters, Rome 89. Gianlorenzo Bernini Baldacchino at the crossing of the church over the tomb of Saint Peter Saint Peters, Rome Gianlorenzo Bernini Cathedra Petri The throne of Saint Peter Saint Peters, Rome Spanish Baroque El Greco The Burial of Count Orgaz Santo Tome, Toledo 1586 El Greco Portrait of Fray Hortensio Felix Paravicino Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1609 Jose (Jusepe) de Ribera The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew Prado, capital of Spain 1639.Diego Velazquez Los Borrachos (The Drinkers) Prado, Madrid 1628 Diego Velazquez Portrait of Juan Pareja Metropolitan Museum, New York 1650 Diego Velazquez Las Meninas (The Maids in Waiting) Prado, Madrid 1656 Baroque in the Low Countries Peter Paul Rubens The Elevation of the Cross Antwerp duomo 1610 Peter Paul Rubens The Abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus Alte Pinako thek, Munich 1617 Peter Paul Rubens The Arrival of Marie de Medici at Marseilles Louvre, Paris 1622-1625 Gerrit van Honthorst Supper Party Uffizi, Florence 1620 Jacob van Ruisdael View of Haarlem Royal Picture Gallery,
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Critical Analysis of The Business Strategies
Offensive and defensive strategies are by products or results of the corporeal strategies. A corporate strategy is a comprehensive set of activities developed by top management to aid an organization achieve its corporate objectives. Involving all parts of an organization, these strategies check both internal and external environments.As the name suggests these strategies are aimed at placing the organization in a attack mode of sorts. Organizations employing such strategies generally believe in acting before their opp whiznt. Such strategies are usually achieved by internal growth, though some like amalgamations and acquisition, etc are external.Concentration on a whizz product or serviceThe firm chooses to specialize in a single product, product line, or service. It plans to do one thing with great strength and efficiency. This specialization allows an organization to do whatever it does extremely well, perhaps even better than other organizations. Used somely by small organi zations, it reduces the amount of resources mandatory and as such is a low risk strategy. However, it ties up all of the firms resources on a single product, service, or product line.The firms success and growth is underage entirely on that particular product with nothing to fall defend on were that product to fail. Also, coupled with the facts that this strategy limits an organizations growth and opportunities, it can be considered a high-risk strategy as well. E.g. a company deciding to specialize only in the production and distri thation of a particular brand of java will find their chances for growth and profits tied inexorably with the market acceptance of that chocolate. Failure of the product will spell doom for the company.Despite these pitfalls, the niggardness strategy has nevertheless borne fruit for organizations like Holiday Inns. Considered one of the largest hotel chains in the world with 1800inns, Holiday Inns have achieved unparalleled success by cogitate on th e hospitality industry.Put plainly concentric diversification is said to be when a firm originally concentrating on one specific product, service, or product line decides to add related products or services to its already existing retinue. These new products or services are added internally (i.e. it can be a management decision) or whitethorn be acquired through acquisitions. A unspoilt example is Cadbury. Though initially focusing on biscuits, the company straight off has an impressive line-up that includes not only biscuits, still also chocolates and ice cream as well.One of the major reasons why companies choose to follow such a strategy is the potential for faster growth, and the lure of establishing a diverse if related product line. This ensures that if one product were to fail, there would still be something to fall back on.Vertical integration occurs when one firm acquires another that is involved either in an earlier stage of the production process (backward integration ) or a posterior stage of the production process (forward integration). The firm that is acquired usually follows the same line of business as that of the parent company. While backward integration will violate the firm more control over the quality and quantity of its raw materials, forward integration will ensure that the firms products will enjoy a good demand.This occurs when a firm decides to branch out and add products or services that are unrelated to its existing products and services. Conglomerate diversification can occur through acquisitions or it whitethorn be based on management decisions. The purpose in employing such a strategy is to increase sales and earnings, spread risks, or in the case of acquisitions simply to make an attractive investment.An example is the heavy vehicles and industrial equipment manufacturer Caterpillar, who have branched out into the production of boots and accessories.A merger involves combining the operations of two companies to form a new and unified organization. Acquisitions on the other hand is the taking over of another firm but allowing the acquired firm to function as a independent division or subsidiary of the acquiring firm. The main aim of this strategy is to achieve growth both in sales and earnings, which it does more quickly than any internal strategies.An accurate example would be the recent merger of carmakers Chrysler and Mercedes Benz. An example of acquisition would be BMWs takeover of Rolls Royce.Joint venture is when two or more firms combine resources to accomplish a task that an individual firm could not have done alone, or to do a job more efficiently. Considered as a means to implement a strategy rather than a strategy, joint ventures offer a way for organizations to undertake projects and spread any risks as well as operate more efficiently. General Motors collaboration with Toyota is an example of a joint venture.normally adopted by companies, who follow a wait and watch attitude, these str ategies nevertheless help an organization achieve a good foothold in the market. lessen the scope of operations or activities to improve efficientness and efficiency is retrenchment. Organizations adopting such a strategy generally believe that making the organization more effective and efficient will give it a better chance to return to a higher level of profitability. In some cases a firm may simply cut costs, reduce personnel, etc, but will decide to maintain all its current line of business, whereas, in extreme cases a firm may decide to get rid of certain product lines or services.Divestment is when a firm spins off or sells instalments of its operations. The main reasons for such a situation to face-lift are a firm may have acquired another firm that either interferes or does not contribute to its current organization mission, a segment may not be functioning satisfactorily enough to justify the resources invested in it, or the segment might be earning a profit but the mana gement decides its resources are better utilized elsewhere.Stopping the decline in a firms performance and bringing a return to successful performance involves turnaround. It combines a defensive strategy (retrenchment or divestment) with a growth strategy. The turnaround of Chrysler Corporation in early 1980s from a failing enterprise to a successful one is a good example.Usually a last resort strategy, it involves selling or disposing of the organization assets. The entire organization or only part of it may be sold. It occurs when turnaround was a failure or may not have been viable. Undertaken mainly to provide the stockholders a return on their investment, it is one of the most unpleasant strategies.The various offensive and defensive strategies are not separate, and are used in complement with one another. Most firms employ a innovation or a mixture of the various strategies. The only important factor is deciding which strategy will better suit the conditions presently being go about by the firm.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Comparison and Criticism
Countee Cullen is one of the most famous African-American poets who has won more literary prizes and recognitions than any(prenominal) black American has ever won before. He came into prominence quite early in his life. Becoming quite famous already in the full(prenominal) school he has been recognized as an outstanding poet before he was 25 when he publish such poems as I Have a Rendezvous with Life and The Ballad of the Brown Girl (Johnson). So, The Medea and The Lost Zoo which I am going to comp atomic number 18 and criticize in this paper are during his late period (in the age of 37 and 31 respectively).I am going to argue that both poems are still valuable today because of their didactic nature. By writing them Cullen attempted to express and somehow summarize his ideas of that what is good and what is bad, as well as about morals and proper behavior. They are all scripted for children, even if those children believe themselves to be adults. Since 1934 Cullen taught English a nd French at the Frederick Douglas Junior High School. He has been offered a position of a lecturer at the Fisk University in Nashville which he declined. Thus he has chosen a career of a teacher, not a lecturer and scientist.His interest to work with children and writing for children after clearly revealed when he wrote The Lost Zoo, yet it can be traced already in the Medea and other poems. Why among numerous Greek tragedies has Cullen chosen to yield exactly The Medea, and why has the translation been accompanied by a set of Cullens own verses? The answers can be found after reading this verse collection and comparing its themes and motifs to the ones of Euripides. The original myth of Medea, as it has been told by Euripides, is a story of an aggrieved woman who has been drive to a disastrous path by her making love and despair.Cullen provided a modern translation of Euripides story (Corti 202) and the other poems included to the collection can be viewed as Cullens commentary to the problem. Medeas fate is reflected in The Magnets in which Cullen writes of The straight, the swift, the debonair who are targets on the thoroughfare. This passage can be viewed as a personal reflection, yet in the light of Scottsboro, Too, Is price Its Song, another Cullens poem, it can be interpreted in a broader social context, as a vision of an entire nation driven to the wrong pass.Cullen begins the poem by imagining poets who will sing and their cries Their cries go thundering Like blood and tears. The period when Cullen wrote this poem was marked by a deep spiritual crisis following the Great Depression, so Cullen observes that in the world Is all disgrace And epic wrong and wonders why the poets have not eventually risen their voices against this wrong. This poems is to put a rhetoric question but not to give an answer. Cullen attempts to make his readers themselves concerned with the moral descent, to awaken their own minds and conscience.Otherwise they are promisi ng to repeat Medeas mistake. This was Cullens teaching method he has not expressly developed own philosophy and preferred to teach through parallels and simile (Nelson 91). It can be observed that Cullens teaching and moralization is not only for children, but for adults as well, perhaps more for adults than children. His The Lost Zoo published in 1940 is for the young but not too young. Although this writing may seem childish, in it Cullen once again (after Black Christ) rises to the scriptural heights in his poetry (Nelson 90).In The Lost Zoo Cullen tells tales of animals that for some reasons could not get onto Noahs Arc thusly teaching his readers certain life lessons (Silvey 3). Squilililigees story is a warning both against teasing and against excessive susceptibility, while the story of a Snake-That-Walked-Upon-His-Tale is a warning against arrogance and false vanity (See Cullen, Pinknee 1991). In fact, neither of the lost animals was fated and each of them could be saved in case they themselves behaved in a proper way. The conduct of the lost animals ruins them because they attempt to be that what they are not. This is a typical mistake of all times.Cullen is a man of his time, yet his verses are of universal everlasting value. They are topical in our long time same as in the days of Cullen. When Cullen wrote both Medea and The Lost Zoo he played a role of a teacher rather than a poet and he was able to teach not only children but adults as well. Human passions never change, and so Cullens poems will never lose their importance, incisively like Medea by Euripide and the Biblical story of an Arc have not lost theirs. Each generation understands and interprets them in their own manner just as Cullen interpreted the Bible and Medea. Works Cited 1. Cullen Countee. The Medea and Some Poems.New York Harper & Bros. , 1935 2. Cullen, Countee Pinknee, Brian J. The Lost Zoo. Silver Burdett Pr. , 1991 3. Corti, Lillian. The Myth of Medea and the Murder of Chil dren. Greenwood Press, 1998 4. Nelson, Emmanuel Sampath. African American authors, 1745-1945. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000 5. Silvey, Anita. The essential guide to childrens books and their creators, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2002 6. Johnson, Clifton H. well-nigh Countee Cullens Life and Career. 27 May 2009 http//www. english. illinois. edu/MAPS/poets/a_f/cullen/life. htm 7. Countee Cullen 27 May 2009 http//www. harvardsquarelibrary. org/poets/cullen. php
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Investigation into aqueous electrolytic cells Essay
IntroductionFor this experiment, we ar to test an aqueous solvent, choosing from the four selections given sodium chloride, copper sulfate, copper chloride and total heat sulfuric acid. The purpose of this investigating is to investigate one factor that affects the output of an aqueous electrolytic cell. We were given a double lesson to plan the experiment and other for us to collect data. I decided that the electrolytic cell I will study is copper chloride by measuring the troop of the carbon stick, the electrode. We are also given a supply of power units to help us investigate into aqueous electrolytic cells.AimMy aim for this experiment is to investigate whether the make out of voltage in a circuit can affect the amount of solid discharged.Hypothesis (including reason)If the voltage growings, the amount of solid discharged from the electrode will increase as well.I predict that the solid discharged from the electrode will increase as the voltage increase in the circuit bec ause as the voltage goes higher, the to a greater extent energy will be produced and the faster the solid will be discharged from the electrode. And hence, the mass of the electrode will gradually become heavier as the voltage increases.Variables freelancer variable voltageFor the independent variable, it is the voltage, because I have to change it as we finish the experiment every(prenominal) time, meaning the input of the experiment. It is also a manipulated variable, which is a factor or condition that changes intentionally manipulated by the investigator to observe the effect. Since we want a big difference of mass change, we decided to go from 2amps to 12amps. mutually beneficial variable mass of electrodeFor the dependent variable, it is the mass of electrode, because this is what I will be measuring, meaning the output of this experiment. It is also the responding variable the variable that may change forget of the independent variable.Controlled variable temperature, dista nce of carbon stick, length of carbon stick, type of cathode and anode metal, time of running led with constant current, volume or depth of emersion of electrodes.These are all the controlled variables, because they all need a certain amount or distance in order to keep the experiment constant severally time I do it and to make it a fair test.Discussion & ConclusionReferring to my graph, the line of best fit shows clearly a trend that the mass of the electrode increases as the voltage increase, thitherfore supporting my hypothesis, proving that the prediction was correct. As the voltage increased, the faster the solid was discharged from the electrode, causing the mass to increase gradually.However, during the process of roll up the data, there was a problem of unstable temperature. I had to redo the experiment again as the first attempt was not what I expect, the temperature went from 20.5Cto43 C. Therefore, I changed the solution after every read of each different voltages in order to keep a more stable temperature and hold a fair test. I also noticed the copper chloride in the first attempt changed from turquoise color to dark green, I believe it is the carbon residue left in the solution. The second time, there was less because we changed to a new solution every reading. Excluding the errors made during the experiment, all in all base on the points stated above, it proves that my hypothesis is correct.Modifications to Original PlanAs mentioned in the discussion, due to the unexpected rapid increase of temperature as the voltage increase, I decided that the solution should be changed every reading to prevent an unfair test, producing unreliable results. Changing the solution after every reading will decrease the risk of unstable temperature and will ladder out a fairer test, and the results are more accurate.EvaluationMy method was overall satisfactory as it carried out a successful experiment, proving my hypothesis right. But if I were to do this inve stigation again, I would decrease the voltage range as the range I did was overly high hence, producing chlorine gas which was toxic and it was too strong when the power unit reached 12amps. After this experience, I would be aware of the voltage, and next time I would only start from 1amps and end at 5amps. That way, there will be less risk of breathing in too much toxic chlorine gas and the experiment would be safer as well. This investigation can be extended to investigate on whether the aqueous solution would be affect by the length of the electrode.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Ethical Information and Communication Technologies for Development Solutions Essay
marvel 1Can ICTs be innovatively utilize in the absence of tokenish literacy levels among the brusque?Yes, I turn over ICTs lot be innovatively utilise in the absence of minimum literacy levels among the poor.ICTs en fitted societies to produce, access, adapt and apply info in greater amounts, to a greater extent rapidly and at reduced costs and offer enormous opportunities for enhancing argumentation and economic viability.ICTs can also contribute towards strengthening democracy, increasing social participation, competing in the global foodstuff place and removing barriers to modernization making poor populations fuller agents in the sustainable developmental process.The minimum take awayments of ICT facilities require a reckoner with connection (3G, Wi-Fi, etc.). Unfortunately above mentioned is expensive, the poorest of the poor would not be able to spend it. Connectivity of mobile phones is also limited. Thus in order for ICTs to be innovatively used in the absence o f minimum literacy levels among the poor, the above mentioned obstacles must be overcome.While poor nations grapple with the problems of investing in these technologies, recent experiments immortalize that convergence of new and traditional communication media is still relevant to poor communities who lack staple fibre nucleotide such as roads, water, electricity and telephones.ICTs are not just virtually technologies, but more about information transfer and communication.My aunt, ninety-six years of age, and my uncle, ninety years of age, intrust exclusively on literal communications. They have learned at an early age, that to observe and to be able to accurately account what had happened was of outmost importance therefore their reliance on verbal communication. The senile in our community therefore rely on the radio, and if available the television, as the means of communication with the outside world. Here it must be disturbed that the language of communication must be in their own native tongue. My little girl is more adapt than me handling my cell-phone or tablet, yet she is also able to communicate with the outside world at her level.The scenario above illustrate that there is a definite need to ensure that information reach the elderly as well as the young of heart. Using innovative ways of applying ICTs we will be able to address this dire need.To reach this goal, communities must pool together to establish the basic infrastructure postulate to roll out the information highway. The combination of radio, television and internet must be utilize to meliorate the level of education. Our governing has projects in place to assist communities to have access to internet, especially our youth. Schools offer computer classes to scholars from Grade 1, to name but a few.Question 2How can the same ICTs be used for multiple purposes? What steps are needed to use, say the internet for meeting the educational and health needfully of poor female farmers i n an isolated rural community?The same ICTs can be used in a variety of communication fields, from education and healthcare, to agriculture and business. For example, a radio can dole out important news, financial news, weather, even educational programs. Thus spanning one form of ICT into a variety of sectors. destitution reductionICTs are considered increasingly important in the effort to eradicate poverty. It is widely recognized that ICTs can provide access to information which can in turn create earning opportunities, improve access to basic services, increase the impact of education and health interventions, and give the poor a voice to demand government support and reforms. Despite these potential links between ICTs and poverty reduction, direct access by the poor to ICTs is extremely limited. Citizens of poor countries, especially women, have significantly less access to ICTs than those living in liberal countries. Factors such as excessive domestic workload, illiteracy an d lack of formal education prevent these groups from accessing information. impoverishment reduction means focusing on particular groups within societies not on poor countries. trainingIt is generally believed that ICTs can empower teachers and learners, making significant contributions to learning and achievement. However, current research on the impacts of ICTs on student achievement yields few conclusive statements, pro or con, about the use of ICTs in education. ICTs do offer many beneficial opportunities for education, but they are no substitute for formal schooling. Teachers need to be empowered to use ICTs so that they can gain the confidence and skills to work in an ICT driven environment.wellnessICTs can play a critical role in improving health care for individuals and communities. By providing new and more efficient ways of accessing, communicating, and storing information, ICTs can help bridge the information divides that have emerged in the health sector in developing countriesbetween health professionals and the communities they serve and between the producers of health research and the practitioners who need it. Through the development of databases and other applications, ICTs also provide the capacity to improve health carcass efficiencies and prevent medical errors.GenderWomens ability to take advantage of ICT is dependent on conductive policies, an enabling environment in their countries to extend communications infrastructure to where women live, and increased educational levels.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Derek Walcott Uses Poetry to Explore Themes of Ethnicity Essay
I agree with the fact that Walcott uses poetry to explore themes of ethnicity, cultural chauvinism and political inequality. However, these bent the only themes we find in his poetry. He also makes use of themes such as life and goal and religion. Sea Canes is one of the numberss which includes the themes mentioned above.In Sea Canes the poet is put together observing a landscape in which he can see sea canes and animals, all of this in a miserable atmosphere Half of my friends are dead. Here he also mentions religion and disagrees with it by stating that religion is not necessary to respect the dead. He prefers to remember them exactly how they were, instead of see dead people as something supernatural and much nobler than the funding. As he looks to the other side of the sea canes he views a boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead. He metaphorically says that the owls represent us hu cosmoss leaving the world of the living to take part the mystical world of the dead.In The Hawk we can locate clear examples of ethnicity, cultural chauvinism and the clangor between western and Caribbean culture. Here he mentions the carnival in Trinidad, and says that the only ones that should attend it are the locals. ulterior in the poem, Walcott mentions the ethnicity and the races of the people at the carnival. The negroes, bastards, mestizos, proud of their Spanish blood, all the people with mixed filiation who are proud of their Spanish blood, not their native blood. Here Walcott is referring to the colonial powers and their endless control all over the Caribbean population. He also compares the Yucatan peninsula with Trinidad. He states that Yucatan has a magnificent landscape while Trinidad has been destroyed during colonialism. Walcott describes the natives as edentulate tigers, once powerful and strong but now nothing more than a big bare cat Caribs, like toothless tigers. Here we can appreciate cultural chauvinism, throughout Th e Hawk he criticizes colonialism by describing its consequences and shows an enormous nationalism for the Caribbean islands.Extract J contains also contains themes of cultural chauvinism and life and death. He starts the poem by describing his house in Saint Lucia. He describes the beautiful landscape, nature and the surrounding found in the Caribbean. He subliminally compares the western landscape with the one in the Caribbean, exaggerating the beauty of the tropical islands compared with Europe. He out of the blue makes a radical change and commences to talk about his dead friend Gregorias. He describes him very passionately and compares him with famous painters from the renaissance brown cherubs of Giotto and Masaccio, which makes us assume he was a first-class painter. He feels horrendous affection for him and his death, as he tells us, has dramatically changed Walcotts life.The Walk is another poem which describes Walcotts crucifixion due to the loss of friends. Here he ta lks about his first wife. He used to straits with her up the hills, until the day she fell ill You were weak and lame, So you never came. She then had other interests and ultimately when she died, Walcott felt completely alone. He repeatedly expresses his grief of having lost his beloved wife and declares that now that shes dead, these walks are very different for him.The Bright Field is a further illustration of cultural patriotism and the inconformity of the European culture. The poem begins in London introducing us to a man steeled against the power of London. Probably the man is Walcott himself, criticizing the citizens and the city. He says that the city is depressing and most of the time people are found in cemeteries or in the underground. In the second paragraph he talks about the British Empire, the empire that their solarise that would not set was going down the largest empire in history was now diminishing and weak. This poem is again about Walcotts cultural past and t he former colonial powers that once inhabited his islands.I agree that Derek Walcott uses his poetry to explore ethnicity, cultural chauvinism and political inequality, he also talks a lot about the colonial influence of the British and the French had on the West Indies. Death appears a great deal too reminding us that his personal life also plays an important role in his poetry.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Do God Exist ?
thesis Statements 1. Because of mans ignorance and curiosity, leanings for the populateence of divinity begin been made over the years. Basically, these logical motives argon divided into dickens large groups i. e. logical and metaphysical. Actually, these line of productss seek to prove that the population of a being or having faith with at least one attri fur on that point that only beau cerebrationl could defend is logically necessary. 2. Believing and having faith in God forget only resort to one amourgoodness. 3. Faith has just aboutthing to do with ones conception active God. 4. The live onence of God remains a matter of faith since its exhausting to prove God to someone who does non believe. . There are arguments that attempts to give information of what they bang about the live onence of God. And thats it. It is now our choice if we believe or non but the important thing is we must hold on in our faith. Read morehttp//ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper _topics/2010/02/thesis-statements-results-of-having-faith-in-god. htmlixzz2CwZzjm00 4 Primary Arguments for Gods foundation Written by Michael Vlach. Perhaps the hottest topic in all of philosophy concerns the globe of God. Thus the uncertaintyDoes God live? Our answer to this question affects how we view the world, how we be look at, and what we expect for the future.If God exists, then we are plausibly accountable to this God. The universe may have meaning and resolve. Plus, our knowledge existence may not give the axe at physical death. If God does not exist, however, then we are probably here by disaster and are not accountable to some transcendent being. This life may be all we have, so live your life however you see fit and enjoy it. Traditionally, thither have been four major(ip) arguments for Gods existence (1) the cosmological argument (2) the teleological argument (3) the ontological argument and (4) the good law argument.Below are explanations of each of the ar guments and the common responses to them. 1. Cosmological Argument The term cosmological comes from the Greek intelligence activity kosmos which means world. The cosmological argument for Gods existence goes like this The world could not exist on its own so there must have been a source cause that brought it into being. This low cause is God. Or enjoin some other representation, the universe could not just exist on its ownsomeone or something must have made it. This cause of the universe is God. Three criticisms of the cosmological argument have been offered.First, some show matter is eternal and is not in need of a first cause. Second, some say If everything needs a cause, what caused God? Third, some say that even if it is true that some being caused our universe to exist, this does not prove the existence of the Christian God. All it yields is that there is some omnipotent being that created the universe, but this does not necessarily mean that this creator was the G od of the Bible. 2. Teleological Argument The teleological argument is also known as the argument from design (The Greek word telos means purpose or design. ).The argument goes like this The universe evidences great abstruseity or design thus, it must have been designed by a great Designer or God. The argument from design can be likened to a watch. A watch is obviously made by a watchmaker. The world, which is much more complex than a watch, must also have been designed by a great Designer or Divine Watchmaker (God). In sum, the teleological argument asserts that the universe evidences too much complexity to be the product of random chance. We know that the celestial bodies move with perfect accuracy in their orbits. Our bodies, too, are improbably complex.According to the teleological argument, theres just no way all this complexity could just happen. God must have created it all. There have been three responses to the teleological argument. First, some say the teleological argu ment is guilty of a weak analogy because it assumes a significant resemblance between natural objects (ex. rocks, trees) and objects we know have been designed (ex. watches, skyscrapers). Thus, canvas natural objects with objects we know have been created by humans is like comparing apples and oranges. The analogy just doesnt work.Second, some say that the theories of the big bang and evolution better pardon the complexity in the universe. Third, some say that even if the teleological argument is true, it does not prove the existence of the Christian God. 3. Ontological Argument The third argument for Gods existence is the ontological argument. This argument is unlike the cosmological and teleological arguments in that it does not argue from evidence in the natural world. Thus, it is not a cause and effect argument. The ontological argument can be stated in this way God is the greatest being imaginable.One of the aspects of perfection or greatness is existence. Thus, God exists. Or put another wayThe fact that God can be conceived means that he must exist. This argument for Gods existence was developed by the twelfth century theologian and philosopher, Anselm. It is based on Anselms declaration that God is that which nothing greater can be conceived. The ontological argument has been very controversial. withal many who believe in Gods existence question its validity. A contemporary of Anselm named Guanilo responded to Anselm. Guanilo verbalise that one could imagine a perfect island but that did not mean a perfect island exists.Others have give tongue to you can imagine a unicorn but that does not mean unicorns exist. Thus, many challenge the idea that the idea of God must mean that God exists. 4. Moral Law Argument Another argument for the existence of God is the moral law argument. It goes like this Without God morality would be impossible. There must be a Lawgiver (God) who originates and stands by moral law. A universal moral law cannot exist accid entally. There must be a basis behind itGod. According to this view, every person is born(p) with an inherent understanding of right and wrong.Everyone, for instance, understands that killing an innocent person is wrong. Everyone understands that helping a drowning person is right. Where did this national understanding of right and wrong come from? According to adherents of the moral law argument, this understanding comes from God. He put it into the hearts of every person. There have been two responses to the moral law argument. First, some deny that there are universal truths. Many today believe that truth is subjective and relative. Societies and individuals determine what is true for them, but there is no God that does this.Second, some say that the presence of reprehensible in the world argues against a Moral Lawgiver. If God is all-powerful and all-good, how can evil exist in the world? The arguments and counterarguments for Gods existence remain controversial. The cosmolog ical, teleological, and moral law arguments remain popular with Christian apologists today. The ontological argument is not as well received although some today still asserts its validity. It should be noted that most Christian theologians and philosophers believe that God never intended for his existence to be something that could be proven with 100% certainty.They rase out that faith is an important component in understanding God and his existence. Argumentsfor and against theexistence of Godhave been proposed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others for thousands of years. Inphilosophicalterms, arguments for and against the existence ofGodinvolve primarily the sub-disciplines ofepistemology(theory of knowledge) andontology(nature of god) and also thetheory of value, since concepts of perfection are connected to notions of God. The debate concerning the existence of God is one of the oldest and most discussed debates inhuman history.A wide variety of arguments exist which can be categorized asmetaphysical,logical,empirical, orsubjective. The existence of God is subject to lively debate in philosophy,1thephilosophy of religion, andpopular culture. The Western tradition of the existence of God began withPlatoandAristotle, who made arguments for Gods existence that would now be categorized ascosmological arguments. Later,Epicurus hypothesise theproblem of evil if God isomnipotent,omniscientandomnibenevolent, why does evil exist?The field oftheodicyarose from attempts to answer this question. Other thoughts about the existence of God have been proposed bySt. Anselm, who formulated the firstontological argumentIbn Rushd (Averroes)andAquinas, who presented their own versions of the cosmological argument (thekalamargumentand thefirst way), respectivelyDescartes, who said that the existence of a benevolent God waslogically necessaryfor the evidence of the senses to be meaningful andImmanuel Kant, who argued that the existence of God can be deduced from the existence ofgood.Thinkers who have provided arguments against the existence of God includeDavid Hume, Kant,NietzscheandBertrand Russell. In young culture, the question of Gods existence has been discussed by philosophers and scientists such asStephen Hawking,Richard Dawkins,Daniel Dennett,Richard Swinburne,William Lane Craig, andAlvin Plantinga. Atheists maintain that arguments for the existence of God show insufficient tenability to believe. Certaintheistsacknowledge that belief in the existence of God may not be amenable to demonstration or refutation, but rests onfaithalone, a position calledfideism.TheCatholic Churchmaintains that knowledge of the existence of God is available in the natural light of human reason alone. 2Other religions, such asBuddhism, do not concern themselves the existence of gods at all. Does God live on? byTawa Anderson Is there a God? 1How can you besurethat God exists? butt end youproveto me that God is real? Does the existence (or lack thereof) of God make any significant remainder? Was Nietzsche right in declaring God is dead ? These questions strike at the very heart of human existence, and countersign out for our personal attention and deliberation.Furthermore, these questions must be answered before we can inquire into the truth of Christianity. afterward all, if there is no God, then Jesus certainly isnt God in the flesh If there is no God, there is no Christian faith worth considering. In this brief essay, I will share three persuasive clues (traditionally called arguments or proofs) that point to the existence of God. This is not an apologetic forChristianity, but rather for basictheism an argument that God exists, not an argument that theChristianGod is real. God ExistsGod must exist because something must have caused the first moment in time and that something is God. This is summarized by, SaintThomas Aquinasin his theory of cause. He presented five arguments for the existence of god in his masterwork theSum ma Theologiae. In the argument about accident he stated the following set forth 1. Thenatural worldincludes final results that occur. 2. In thenatural world, every event has a cause, and no event causes itself. 3. In thenatural world, causes must precede their effects. 4. In thenatural world, there are no infinite cause/effect chains. 5.Hence there is anentity outsideof nature (a supernatural being), which causes the first event that occurs in the world. In ourfinite worldof existence, an event cannot cause itself, and if there is no first cause, there would not be any effects. So, God is the first cause. God must exist since all his premises are all in support of his conclusion that the first cause is God. An atheist is likely to say that the Big Bang was the first cause, but Aquinass premises and conclusion will disprove this theory, as we will view later. I agree with this theory of cause, because I believe that our existence could
Friday, May 17, 2019
Benefits of a Database & Information Gathering Techniques
Assignment Three Benefits of a Database & Information Gathering Techniques Ian Keller Strayer University Introduction to relational Database Management Systems CIS 111 Professor Jonathan C. Thr all April 26th, 2012 Databases argon really important to every person in the military man today. Whatever you do in you daily routine you are bound to come in get by with about form of database and our world has become so dependent on it that most people wont even realize the importance of databases. A database is a bunch of file cabinets that are usually merged electronically together to make up one big file.The database stores all of these files in one localisation of function and numerous people base entranceway this selective instruction all at the same time if they conduct the proper access from the database administrator. Things that umteen people do every day that involve database involvement are things like calling a reference bookor on the phone to talk about a utility bill, execute transactions with you bank online, over the phone or in person, and also using a credit card to pay for supplies at a local retail store. All of these things require access to some sort of database.Database design is basically separated into categories the offshoot being external where data can collect five-fold views and how the data can be stored into a physical form. An another(prenominal) category is conceptual where inbred and external data communicate between each other (Ricardo, 2012). Accounting, bookkeeping information, person-to-person financial records, stocks and personal property inventories are only some examples of how databases are managed and can be created for a multitude of things and all of these distinguishable types of files and data can be managed through a Database Management System (database management system).The better the database management system system is the better that system lead support the organization. When you have a DBMS that supports the organization, that organization will be able to increase productivity, bread and overall status of business. There are many different DBMS designs and some have been proven to work very well. One of those types is the Relational Database System. A DBMS that falls into this category would have to be a DBMS that is capable of maintaining a intelligent blood among any new data and generate good communications between it and the existing data already in the system (Differentiating 2012).A DBMS has many benefits which will help to keep the organizations profits at a continuous incline. A well designed and use DBMS can take aim accounts, maintain records, process requests and prioritize past, present and future events. It will provide the ability to store millions of files of multiple types in one single location and because all those files are in one location, it will also provide the ability to have multiple employees located in multiple areas and non-employees wh o may be temporarily working for the said organization for a period of time.With a personalized password and few clicks of the black eye all personnel mentioned above can be given complete or partial access to the database for an indefinite or temporary period of time. As with any system benefits also can be drowned out with some disadvantages as well and one of the disadvantages that have is that with many DBMS structures it can be confusing and difficult to navigate through some of the commands. The complexity is much more advanced than many of the Microsoft programs that many employees may be familiar with.This particular problem also causes the system to be very time consuming to unfamiliar users. Security is also a concern as with any electronic device especially ones with internet capability because nothing in this world of technology is hacker proofread, meaning the system serious like any other, is vulnerable. Another type of database is a Flat bill database. This type o f database stores data in the form of plain textual matter meaning just what it says only text can be stored. Every line contained in this type of database constitutes one record.The fields in this multifariousness of database are separated by commas, tabs or delimiters. A flat tire file is a database that uses a simple structure but as simple as it is the more data added to it, the less efficient it can become. The benefit of the flat file database is that most Microsoft programs such as Microsoft Access, can imported from a flat file converting it so multiple data as well as data types can be used (Flat File 2012). When creating a database from the beginning it can seem very overwhelming at first.There is so much to think of but there are tools available to you that can help guide you through the process. Many database systems have an important role and if they arent customized for that particular organization, then the benefits would not be as great. Tools that are available to the organization that help a great deal with construction a database for the first time are available in many forms. Starter packages such as the CASE (Computer-Aided software program Engineering) package, is a package that contains information to help.This package contains steps for creating a system analysis, project management, and design plans. If the information is used correctly it will help the organization learn how collect the information and determine what information to collect. There is also Project Management Software that can organize your data once its collected so the data is prioritized correctly. Last a system catalog can be implemented to work alongside the other aids mentioned above which all work gain in hand to create, manage and maintain the organizations information.The advantage about most of these programs is they updated automatically with each other (Ricardo 2012). In the rapidly advancing world today, it really is not practical to not have a databas e program implemented for whatever activities you frequent. Whether it is a business, organization, government agency, community club or even at personal information at home, having files of multiple types organized and merged into one file location is just a smart way of doing business whether the business be personal or professional.Reference Differentiating a good database design from a bad database design.. (n. d. ). Free management Articles Management resource guide. Retrieved april 26, 2012, from http//www. management-hub. com/database-design. html Flat file definition. (n. d. ). The tech terms computer dictionary. Retrieved april 26, 2012, from http//www. techterms. com/definition/flatfile Ricardo, c. m. (2012). Databases illuminated (2. ed. ). Sudbury, ma Jones & bartlett learning.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Air traffic control Essay
locating 1 Adapted from WAFBLA Everyone Else Does It Ethics Project You start been struggling in your Engineering Models class. The content does not come easily, so you have put in countless hours to ascertain and do the assignments. There is another student who breezes through the assignments, getting high marks for the work he turns in. You know for a fact that he has used his college-aged cousin to do some of the assignments for him. You dont know how many assignments were turned in this way, solely you are certain that he, in fact, did not do all the work.Your frustration increases over the last assignment that you worked overtime on, but did poorly. Of course, this other student scored well(p) on the same assignment. You drop the teacher an anonymous note about the implied cheating on the theatrical role of this other student. Questions 1) What do you believe are the honest issues related to this situation? Not being vigilant to turn in the assignment. Trying to use som eone elses work as your own. 2) Write an financial statement supporting the actions taken. Be trustworthy to tie your response to one of the ethical framewhole kit and boodle discussed.This is the rights approach as you are verbalize the teacher that another student is not turning in his actual work. This will make the repugn of the assignment fair for eeryone. 3) Write an argument against the actions taken. Be sure to tie your response to one of the ethical frameworks discussed. You should just let the other student do what he wants to and separate him that he wont be able to get help when he does the exam. 4) Were you in this situation, what would your response be? why? I would also tell the teacher that he is cheating so that it would be fair for everyone who turns in their homework. Situation 2 Hesperian Engineering Author Michael McFarland, S. J. Wayne Davidson is a software engineer in the aerospace division of Occidental Engineering, a large engineering firm. For t he past two years he has been on the job(p) as a test engineer for Operation Safe Skies, a task to build a prototype of the abutting generation air traffic make remains. This sick, which is funded by a contract from the Federal Aviation confidence (FAA), is a very important one for Occidental. With all the cutbacks in defense spending, the aerospace division has been losing business.The Safe Skies project has provided oftentimes needed business, and could lead to a much larger contract if successful. Mindful of its strategic importance, the accompany had urge on very aggressively for the original contract. In fact they had low-balled it, bidding less than it would take to do the work properly. They felt that was the only way they could beat out their competitors, who were just as hungry for the work. Because of their passably shaky financial position, the company was not willing to take a loss on the project, so the project has been underfunded and understaffed.Neverthele ss those working on the project have made a heroic effort, working eighteen hour days seven days a week to meet the deadline, because they know how much it means to the company, not to mention their own jobs. They are now very close to success. A recital of the prototype has been completed and turned over to Wayne for testing. He has run extensive simulations on it and found that it works as it should except for one little problem when there are too many aircraft in the system, it will sometimes lose track of one or more of them.The forgotten aircraft will s motorcarce disappear from the screen, there will be no trace of it anywhere, and it will be ignored by all of the collision avoidance and other safety tests. Wayne has been working with the software designers to identify the cause of the problem, and they have traced it to a subtle error in memory allocation and reuse. They are confident that they arsehole progress to it, but it will take a month or more to do the redesign, coding and testing. Wayne meets with his boss, Deborah Shepherd, the project manager, to discuss the implications.She tells him that what he is asking for is impossible. The contract requires that the company deliver a fully certified, working variation of the software in three days for system integration and test. The government has developed a new, get-tough form _or_ system of government on missed deadlines and cost overruns, and Occidental is afraid that if they miss this deadline, the government will make an typeface of them. They would be subject to fines and the loss of the remainder of the prototype contract and they might not be allowed to bid on the contract for the full system.This would have a devastating effect on the aerospace division, resulting in thousands of disoriented jobs. They consider whether they tin can do a quick patch to the software before turning it over, but Wayne adamantly refuses to release any code that has not been tested thoroughly. There is a lways a expectation that the patch would interact with some other part of the program to create a new bug. indeed well have to deliver the software as is, Deborah says. I cant jeopardize this project or the jobs of my people by missing that deadline. We cant do that exclaims Wayne.Thats like delivering a car with defective brakes. Dont worry, Deborah reassures him. We have contacts in the FAA, so we know their testing plans. They will do a lot of simulations to make sure the software works with the hardware and has all the functionality in the specs. consequently they will do live tests, but only at a small airport, with a support system active at all times. There is no way they will overload the system in any of this. After that they will have some change requests. Even if they dont, we can give them an updated version of the program.We can slip the bug fix in there. They will never earn the problem. Even if they do, we can claim it was a random occurrence that would not ne cessarily show up in our tests. The important thing is no one is in any danger. Maybe they wont find the bug, but I know its there. I would be lying if I utter the system passed all the necessary tests. I cant do that. Anyway, it would be illegal and unprofessional. You can certify that it is safe, because it is, the way they are going to use it. And so he does. In the end Wayne signs pip on the software.It is delivered to the FAA and makes it through all the preliminary tests, including live tests at a small airport in the Midwest. As a result of these tests, the FAA requests some changes in the user interface, and when Occidental delivers the new software it includes a robust solution to the problem of the disappearing aircraft. No one outside of Deborahs group ever learns of the problem. In fact Occidentals success with the prototype leads to major contracts for air traffic control software, giving much-needed business to the aerospace division.This saves hundreds of jobs, a nd allows the company to add hundreds more. Wayne Davidson, however, takes early retirement once the prototype project is finished, in order to write a book on software testing. He feels that the book should have a chapter on ethics, but he can never bring himself to write it. Questions 1) What do you believe are the ethical issues related to this situation? Lying about a completed project when it isnt. 2) Write an argument supporting the actions taken. Be sure to tie your response to one of the ethical frameworks discussed.There was no nut-bearing way to get all of the project done, so they had to give what they had. 3) Write an argument against the actions taken. Be sure to tie your response to one of the ethical frameworks discussed. It wasnt a good choice because they didnt tell the company that the project wasnt finished and handed them an incomplete project. 4) Were you in this situation, what would your response be? Why? I would ask for more people to help so we could get the project done on the day its due and assign each person a different part to do.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Stalking Victimization in the United States Essay
Stalking Victimization in the United States - Essay typesetters caseStalking behavior includes unsolicited phone calls, letters, e-mails and gifts following the victim turning up unnecessarily at the victims residence or workplace spreading information or rumors about the victim. (BJS sack site). Contrary to popular perception, Stalking Victimization is not confined to celebrities, but is widely prevalent in American society today, with 1 in 12 women and 1 in 45 men probable to encounter this villainy. The majority of stalkers are known, even intimately, to their victims. In addition to the generation of fear and the disruption of lives, still hunt is often the precursor to lethal violence. In this context, stalking has rightly been classified as a crime in all the States of America, although legal definitions may vary across jurisdictions. (COPS web site).The distinct characteristics of the crime fabricate stalking hard to identify, investigate, and prosecute (The Police Chief , January 2009). As stalking behaviors do not conform to all norm, there can be no fixed response. Stalkers defy any standard psychological profiling, as their motives and backgrounds vary considerably. When stalking is linked to domestic violence, as it often is, the stalking aspect of the crime tends to be overlooked. Investigators are frequently hindered by the blurring of jurisdictions, as stalkers pursue victims across state borders. It is difficult to protect the victims, as stalkers are largely persistent, even in the face of punitive action. (The Police Chief, January 2009).Another contemporary face of Stalking Victimization is the abuse of technology by stalkers to harass their victims. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, instigate the sharing of personal information. These sites are mined by stalkers to keep track of the victims activities. introduce devices, such as Global positioning systems and cell phones, lend themselves to use by stalkers through the supe rvise of
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
(Individual Research Project on) The Development of Transportation Essay
(Individual Research check on) The increase of Transportation Technology and its impact on International Trade - Essay ExampleThe Development of Transportation Technology and its impact on International Trade Introduction Countries or any geographic territories or any organizational entities will do business with others, in order to fulfill their needs, to cut profits and also to develop their economies, thereby leading to international trade. International trading will be initiated when a country or its organization has a product, which may be needed or macrocosm apply in some other country. Thus, international trading provides opportunities for various countries in the world, to acquire products or items, which they may not be able to affordably manufacture themselves. This form of international trade provides the end guest with a wide range of products and services, thereby improving their standard of living and comforts. However, the key factor or kind of bridge, which aids this international trade or even a domestic trade, is the transfer of training modes. With geographical territories or potential rememberets spread out in various corners of the world, the physical distance has to be c everyplace to reach the product to the intended consumer. These physical distances, which may not by manually covered by humans, can be covered only with the use of emigration modes ranging from land transport vehicles, ships, aircrafts, and so forth Although, earliest modes of mechanical tape drive like ships were developed to explore rude(a) territories, the fact is, the ships were maximally used in those days mainly by merchants for trading. Then in the course of history, as engine room got developed, the transportation modes also became more advanced, further developing international trade. Literature Review Advancements in transportation technology has aptly fueled development of international trade, transforming the lives of people all over the world opt imally. As Claval (2009, pg.9) stated, The new facilities of transport and communication allowed for a rapid transformation of the horizons of expectation of ordinary people all over the World. This perspective about transportations role was supported by Stiglitz (2002, pg.9) as tumesce who stated that transportation has led to closer integration of the countries and peoples of the world, breaking down of artificial barriers to the flows of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and people crosswise borders. This role of transportation is very true because the footprint or even a wheel mark of transportation around the world has brought about various optimal changes, including in International trade. This fact was formalize by Vossos (2011) who stated Transportation of goods is one of the most important issues of international trade, as the speed of rescue and preservation of products quality are major success factors for companies. The key aspect, which optimizes this role of tran sportation, is the newer form of technologies in the transportation sector, and that includes the earliest form, starting from wheels to current day supersonic engines. As Vossos (2011) further states, the term transportation technology refers to all advancements since the invention of the wheel. Although, ships have been aiding a lot in international tra
Monday, May 13, 2019
Radiography Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Radiography Skills - Essay Exampleerior views commonly used in plain radiographs normally strive distorted images as a result of the normal curvature and flexion of the scaphoid (Hackney & Dodds, 2011). Therefore, to produce clearer tomographic images, the spiral CT is normally used. This view involves projecting x-rays through the wrist eon rotating the x-ray source well-nigh the patient. This view is desirable for scaphoid fractures since it is faster and gives room for multi-planar reconstructions of the initial data.This is because AP image is a natural anatomic position conducted with the palm up thus, it demonstrates the carpal interspaces better than the PA image. Additionally, the carpal interspaces are almost double to the divergence of X-ray beams thus using PA would not bring out the best view. quarter round X-rays are slightly different from finger X-rays due to the functional anatomy of the thumb. It has a fine aim opposition, as well as an exceptional mobility com pared to the fingers. Additionally, it has saddle joint articulation responsible for its movement with the trapezium. Therefore, while positioning the thumb for an X-ray the radiography should focus on the anterior lip of the metacarpal located at the ligamentous trapeziums attachment. This is what brings about the
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Capstone Experience (Business Metrics) 2 Assignment
coping stone Experience (Business Metrics) 2 - Assignment ExampleCurrent ratio helps in calculating the firms ability to pay its short-term liabilities. It is calculated by dividing the current liabilities with the current assets (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger, 2011).Using the on fourth dimension delivery indicator to predict stock-out helps in measuring the operational efficiency of the business unit (Bidgoli, 2010). This follows from the blood of information that ensures that the unit take holds sufficient stock for its operations. The gross operating profit per visible(prenominal) room measures the battle of the unit. This follows from the use of the rates to give measures that can maximize profitability of the unit. The current ratio seeks to measure the decision-making capacity. It gives acumen into the prevailing financial situation, thus prompting appropriate actions to safeguard financial stability.The business unit seeks to maintain good relations with creditors. Therefore, the current ratio helps the business unit to preserve the trust of the organizations creditors, by showing when there is need to negotiate with them on payment. The gross operating profit per available room assists the business in seeking a competitive edge in its operations. More to these, the stock-out soothsayer aligns to the units strategy of promoting customer satisfaction (Stair & Reynolds,
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Hybrid Status of Immigrants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Hybrid Status of Immigrants - Essay ExampleWhen a person happens to live in another community, which has different characteristics than the one he or she is born into, the various(prenominal) puzzles forced to accept some traits of that community and thus assumes a mixed personality. Immigrants, who migrate from their nation of ancestor to another country in the pursuit of education, job opportunities or business purposes, hence will become hybrids as they latently possess the characteristics of their master culture and absorb some aspects of the new culture. While this transformation has its rewards, it plunges them into a state of belonging n all here nor there and forces them to live between two cultures and worlds. The essays, Mother Tongue, by Amy false topaz and, To the Border, by Richard Rodriguez, deftly illustrate the torment of immigrants as they deal with the consequences and dangers of living between worlds. Amy Tan dwells on the issues that language creates for an average immigrant in the new land, where he or she migrates to. Most of the times either they are unable to understand the mechanics of the new language or they cannot completely eschew the nuances of their original language and its cultural impacts. Tan, from her personal experience show that the people in America look guttle on immigrants, who are not capable of speaking the language as the natives do and hardly hark to them or assist them. Her mother, who speaks broken or fractured English in the US, confronts a lot of problems because she cannot converse with the natives in a befitting style (Tan, p.2). Her stockbroker ignores her demands and delays sending her the check because she is not able to talk to him properly.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Compare and Contrast Liberal and Realist Views of International Law Essay
Compare and Contrast Liberal and Realist Views of supranational Law - Essay utilisationThis view led to creation of outside(a) law which provides a framework that guide international relationship. International relations theories address various concerns of countries. This paper intends to compare and contrast realist and liberalist views of international law. Political realists wall in favor of their nation in terms of its security, social reconstructions, and moral concern while political liberalists argue in favor of international cooperation (Claude & Weston, 2006122). Security concern is a factor that affects national amuses and international interests. It is probable that political stability of a nation depends on the security measures in place. An instant of insecurity trace political gains and economic endeavors of a country. However, debate on security drags both realists and liberalists into explaining their views to international laws. Realists believe that a state has to strive to achieve state security through all possible convey (Claude & Weston, 2006126). For instance, during the 9/11 bombing realists gave their response to international terrorism by arguing that the state should refocus on probable sources of its insecurity and that the state should handle non-state actors who are violent as proxies for national interest (Portmann, 201070). In this view, high state organs believed that non-state sponsors had a role in creating the infamous attack. In response to the attack, the realists centre their security actions to states they perceived as rogues i.e. nations that supported the actions of the insurgent groups (Portmann, 201069). Realists felt the threat posed by these countries and discrete to wage war on terrorism in these countries. This justified the move made by joined States to wage war on Iraq and Afghanistan. Liberalist contrasts the realist view of international law by favoring the interest of non-state actors (DAspremont, 2 0116). It is evident that liberals empower non-state players with agency and autonomy. For instance, liberals believe that distri barelyion of power does not only remain at state level, but also embeds it to entities such as NGO and international institutions (DAspremont, 201112). Liberals have taken a centre story role in advocating for independent groups as forces that need recognition in the international politics. At the international scene, liberals argue that power is a multidimensional tool in which emphasis should be on well-off power in addition to economic and host power. This argument makes the liberalist support international activities in contrasts to the interests of the realists. The utilize of soft power intends to eliminate conflicts, which drag international politics. For instance, the adoption of dialogue as a means of seeking a lasting solution to conflicts is a manifestation of using soft power in brokering interest of various countries. In the internationa l politics, recognition of political realism is a concept of interest vested in terms of power (Neack, 200377). The motive behind each state behavior is power, which is either multitude power or potential power (assets). The means used by states to seek power parti-color because some states are weak while others are strong. However, power change from time to time. For instance, French military power dominated continent Europe in the early 1800s, but shifted in 1814 following the bruise of French military (Neack, 200378). Largely, realist perspective looks at state as
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